DMARC Food Pantry Network Resumes Distribution of USDA Food Boxes

The Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) Food Pantry Network began distributing USDA boxes from the fifth round of the USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program today. DMARC previously participated in the first four rounds of the program from late May to the end of December 2020. Additional funding for the fifth round of the program was included in the federal COVID relief package that passed in late December.

“We are excited to again be participating in the USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program,” said DMARC CEO Matt Unger. “Visitors to DMARC food pantries started receiving these boxes today.”

The boxes contain 20 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, and dairy products, plus a gallon of milk, and are being distributed through DMARC’s network of 14 partner food pantries and 30+ mobile food pantry locations. To locate the closest DMARC food pantry to you, please visit

The DMARC Food Pantry Network will be distributing 2,376 USDA boxes every week. The fifth round of the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program will continue through the end of February, with the possibility of an extension through the end of April.

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