DMARC Will Help More People

The DMARC 1435 Mulberry Initiative is a non-traditional, fast-track $1.3 million capital campaign. The project will support the property purchase and renovation of 1435 Mulberry Street, as well as equipment and furnishings and food inventory to stock the warehouse.

The 1435 Mulberry Campaign will help DMARC provide more services and food for more people in more places.

Goals are to strengthen and stabilize the emergency food system, enhance and equalize access to nutritional food, and improve community health in Greater Des Moines/Polk County, Iowa. In addition to housing DMARC offices, the new facility will provide for up to four times the food storage and distribution capacity as DMARC’s former warehouse. Ultimately, the project will stabilize the emergency food system and DMARC Food Pantry Network to respond to the sustained high level of need for food assistance in central Iowa.

Efficiencies from streamlined operations will result in over $250,000 annual savings that will be directed to:

  • Provide assistance for 1,500 more families each year who need help in meeting their food needs
  • Expand distribution from a 4-day supply of food per participant once per month to a 5-day supply
  • Increase the number of pantry sites from 13 sites to 16 sites
  • Expand consumer access to 300 hours per week, providing 15,000 hours annually for families to access pantries across the Food Pantry Network.

With a total project goal of $1.3 million, current campaign commitments total over $671,000. Thank you, early donors! Learn more about DMARC’s journey to 1435 Mulberry Street by reading the companion articles starting on page 1. To learn how you and your congregation or group might participate in this historic project and help DMARC reach the campaign goal, visit, where you can also view renovation photos from start to finish.

Campaign Leadership Team Co-Chairs: Robert D. Shaw, MD, Rebecca D. Shaw, MD, Ross L. Daniels and Amy Ward

Committee: Tom Fischer, Sarai Rice, Susie Paloma, Leanne M. Valentine, Doug Ventling and John Walin

Campaign liaison: Kristine Frakes

RossDanielsThe new facility and the accompanying capital campaign represent an exciting new stage for DMARC. We are here because of the vision of DMARC founders, and the culmination of years of dedication and the hard work of many supporters and friends, the faith community, volunteers and staff. Our work, however, is far from complete. This work will not be finished until no family in the Des Moines area needs worry about where their next meal is coming from. Food is not simply a means for survival, but it is the basis for love, kindness, and increased understanding of the human condition across all faiths. We invite the full circle of DMARC friends, both new and old, to celebrate this milestone and continue with us in the journey to help our neighbors in need.

— Ross L. Daniels, campaign co-chair

Sarai Rice
In conversations with DMARC member congregations and faith leaders, we have been very encouraged by the expressions of support for the 1435 Mulberry Street project and campaign. As we look to the future, DMARC will continue to rely on the significant commitment and active participation of our supporting congregations in working together to meet basic needs for families in Polk County.

— Sarai Rice, executive director

RobertShawThe increased efficiencies (space, consolidation, improved environment) resulting from this relocation will mean more than $250,000 savings each year. These savings will enable us to serve more families in our community who are hungry at a time when the demand is increasing. It has been inspiring to visit with community leaders and to witness for-profit, non-profit and government resources coming together in support of the project and campaign.

— Robert D. Shaw, campaign co-chair

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