Ray Society Course on Interfaith Relationships

Join Rev. Sarah Trone Garriott, DMARC Coordinator of Interfaith Engagement, and many friends from the across the spectrum of faith at the upcoming Ray Society Class “Building Bridges: Interfaith Relationships.” The four sessions will take place Mondays April 30, May 7, 14, and 21 from 10-11:30. For more information or to register click here: http://www.drake.edu/raysociety/

Diversity is not good. Diversity is not bad. Diversity just is—and it’s a fact of our changing world. Rather, the good or the bad is a result of our response to that diversity. This course offers some helpful ways to think about and engage interfaith relationships, featuring real life examples of those relationships in action in our community.

Session 1: What is Interfaith? (April 30)
Positive responses to diversity don’t just happen, they require intentional effort. Drawing on the work of Eboo Patel in his book “Interfaith Leadership: a primer” we’ll reflect on the nature of interfaith relationships and learn strategies for how to build positive relationships between communities of faith.

Session 2: Theology of Interfaith (May 7)
Interfaith relationships can be a way to live out one’s own faith. This session features a panel of local leaders from diverse communities of faith sharing about the scriptures, traditions, history, and personal experiences that call them to the work of interfaith.

Session 3: Raising an Interfaith Generation (May 14)
As we witness a spike in hate group activity in this nation, we cannot assume that younger generations will be more accepting of diversity than their parents. This session features a panel of community leaders sharing about their work to educate and engage youth around interfaith issues.

Session 4: Gathered in One Place (May 21)
There is a significant amount of diversity within religious groups. This session explores the challenges and opportunities of interfaith relationships as diverse groups of Christians gather to worship at a historically Scandinavian Lutheran church.

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