Three Questions to Ask Candidates Running for Office

DMARC Communications & Advocacy Manager Luke Elzinga (R) speaks with Rep. Marti Anderson (L) at the Iowa Hunger Coalition’s Anti-Hunger Day on the Hill on January 24, 2019.

As Iowans, we have some unique opportunities to engage and interact with candidates running for a number of elected offices, including presidential candidates visiting the state ahead of the Iowa caucuses in February 2020.

DMARC has prepared a list below of three questions that you can ask candidates running for office. The following questions are framed toward those running for a federal office, but can be slightly changed depending on who you are asking the question of (ex. “What is your plan to eliminate poverty in the state of Iowa?”).

  1. Will you commit to protecting and/or expanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?
  2. What is your plan to eliminate poverty in our country?
  3. What is your plan to ensure all Americans have affordable housing?

If you do get a chance to ask a candidate one of these questions, please contact DMARC’s communications and advocacy manager, Luke Elzinga, at or (515) 277-6969 x10, and let us know how they responded.

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