Global Atlantic Financial Group Makes Big Impact Through Virtual Drive

Earlier this month, Global Atlantic Financial Group hosted a virtual drive for DMARC focused on raising funds to purchase diapers, wipes, infant formula, baby food, and period supplies. The drive was spearheaded by Global Atlantic Financial Group’s Women’s Network. One of the objectives of the Women’s Network is to sponsor community outreach activities.

“Most state and federal safety-net program benefits cannot be used to purchase period supplies, leaving 1 in 4 menstruating people struggling to meet this basic need due to lack of income and 1 in 5 missing work or school due to lack of access.”

“As a Life Insurance company, focusing on basic human needs seems to go hand in hand with our business,” said Global Atlantic Financial Group’s Lori Fenton. “And as a Women’s Network it’s always important that our outreach activities directly impact needs specific to women and girls in our community.”

“Most state and federal safety-net programs cannot be used to purchase period supplies, leaving 1 in 4 menstruating people struggling to meet this basic need due to lack of income and 1 in 5 missing work or school due to lack of access,” said Shoshana Salowitz, DMARC’s community outreach and volunteer manager. “Holding a drive for period products is a simple and effective way to educate the public about the importance of menstrual equity while empowering nonprofits and the menstruating people they assist with resources to meet an essential need.”

In addition to the funds raised by employees through the virtual drive, Global Atlantic Financial Group’s Employee Engagement Activity Council agreed to provide a dollar match for funds raised through the virtual drive. Add to that a company match for employee contributions, and the potential to triple the impact of donations was an exciting prospect.

With a little guidance and information from Salowitz, the Women’s Network got to work promoting the virtual drive.

“Our Women’s Network committee represents almost every team in the company,” said Fenton, “and we asked them to promote the drive amongst their direct peers. Using the statistics we got from DMARC about the needs for these products, we created printed materials to post in common places like break rooms and bathroom stalls. We’ve gotten very good feedback about the postings in the bathroom! It’s a captive audience and something everyone is going to hopefully see a couple of times a day. We also sent regular email reminders during the campaign as well.”

“The fact that the drive was online was incredibly appealing. In just a few clicks someone could make a donation – no remembering to pick something up at the store and bring it in.”

By hosting a virtual drive on DMARC’s website, Global Atlantic Financial Group employees could easily donate from the comfort of their own desk.

“The fact that the drive was online was incredibly appealing,” said Fenton. “In just a few clicks someone could make a donation – no remembering to pick something up at the store and bring it in.”

Global Atlantic Financial Group check presentation

(L-R) Shoshana Salowitz, Lori Fenton, Sarah Kirkland, Lynn Reed, Leslie Garman.

In all, the virtual drive brought in $1,832.20 – enough funds for DMARC to purchase 2,528 diapers, 211 packages of baby wipes, 33 cans of infant formula, 204 containers of baby food, and 1,576 tampons and pads. These numbers translate to roughly one year’s worth of diapers, two years of wipes, and four month of formula for a family in need, and a year’s worth of period supplies for six menstruating folx! Global Atlantic Financial Group’s Employee Engagement Activity Council pitched in another $2,000, and employee matching gifts have the potential to increase the impact even further.

“DMARC thanks Global Atlantic Financial Group’s Women’s Network both for raising funds for these important products through a virtual drive and in helping to amplify the conversation around menstrual equity and diaper need in our community,” said Salowitz.

1 Reply to "Global Atlantic Financial Group Makes Big Impact Through Virtual Drive"

  • Lisa
    September 13, 2019 (10:27 am)

    How does one in need of menstrual supplies obtain them from DMARC? have not seen mentrual supplies at DMARC food banks.