21-Day Equity Challenge Reflection: Amy Becker

by Amy Becker, Team Pastor, Ashworth Church

I’m grateful for the gift of United Way’s 21 Day Equity Challenge. As a pastor, a leader for college ministries around the state of Iowa, as a neighbor, and a mom, the Equity Challenge has given me tools, resources, facts and figures, and stories to share in each of these places.

More importantly it’s given me eyes to see again that segregation is not a thing of the past, as I go for an evening walk in my neighborhood just blocks away from Center street—once the beloved thriving Black business district in Des Moines.

It’s given me ears to hear stories, like the young women from Davenport, that challenge my comfort and implicit bias and remind me again of the painfully unjust and growing gaps in healthcare, income, and education for people of color.

The 21 Day Equity Challenge has caused my heart to lament, to pray, and to find ways to continue the work of equity and justice in our community, in ministry, in my neighborhood and family. I’m renewing my commitment to the flourishing of all people, particularly here in Des Moines. This is gospel work and I’m all in. I’m humbled and hopeful to know I’m engaging with these 21 days alongside thousands of others in Des Moines. Thank you, United Way.

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