Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah Engbretson

This month we’re shining a spotlight on DMARC volunteer Sarah Engbretson, who serves on multiple DMARC committees and helps engage young professionals in fighting hunger. Thank you for all you do for DMARC, Sarah!

Why do you volunteer with DMARC?
I love how DMARC serves the community. Not only do they provide healthy and culturally appropriate options at the pantries in their network, their mission is to provide assistance in a dignified and respectful way. DMARC encounters people in their most vulnerable state and knowing that they meet every person who enters one of the pantries with respect and dignity is a really important part of why I choose to work with DMARC over other organizations that are fighting hunger.

How long have you been volunteering with DMARC?
I have been volunteering with DMARC for a little over four years.

What responsibilities do you have as a volunteer for DMARC?
I help run Young & Hungry, the young professional group, and am on the Development & Outreach Committee.

What is your favorite thing about volunteering with DMARC, or do you have a favorite memory of volunteering with DMARC?
My favorite memories of volunteering with DMARC are some of the Young & Hungry events – trivia nights, warehouse sorting/meal packing. I love bringing people together so having events where young professionals can get together and learn about community needs and give back are events that I really enjoy.

Why should others consider volunteering with DMARC?
DMARC provides a variety of ways to get involved, whether you want to donate funds, food, or time, there is something for everyone. It’s a great way to give back to the community and help those in need.

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