Jack’s Story

My name is Jack Bell. Like you, I support DMARC.

Why? I was recently asked that question. Let me explain.

When I was in Maryland, I was deeply involved with a food recovery and redistribution organization called Nourish Now. We started out around 2012 with modest means, recovering and redistributing food to around 3-5 families per week. By the time COVID hit, we were well-placed within the county and began serving upwards of 12,000 people per week. I was there 8 years and that essentially became my full-time job. I was immersed into the world of food insecurity.

When I returned home to Iowa, I decided to re-start my local nonprofit “due diligence”, and began meeting with and volunteering for a few agencies, including DMARC. I signed up for several slots with the mobile food pantry program in the winter of 2022, and met DMARC team member, Andrew Firestine.

I enjoyed my time with Andrew, learning about the local food insecurity issues and how DMARC’s extensive network was engaged in the efforts. I was impressed with Andrew’s care, detailed knowledge of the issue, and attention to all the clients who would visit – knowing many of those who need pantry assistance more frequently by name.

After (maybe) 5 or 6 volunteer stints in the mobile pantry, I determined it was time to expand my knowledge about DMARC and seek additional ways to assist. I called the volunteer coordinator and we spoke for a bit. During the call she suggested that I speak with Leslie Garman, DMARC’s Development Director. Leslie immediately set up a meeting and tour of the operation, which we had the next week (and I even wound up getting invited to her breakfast group the following day!). Impressive stuff… and how I had hoped we would have engaged with volunteers and supp

orters during my years in Maryland!

It didn’t take long for me to confirm my thoughts that DMARC was very worthy of my time and support and I signed up to be a sponsor of their annual Spring Greens Gala. I have continued supporting DMARC and am in regular contact with Leslie.

Why do YOU support DMARC?

If you’re like me, you’ve read the headlines. Food insecurity has risen and DMARC needs our help. It’s a fact: our financial support makes their work possible. But so does our volunteer service.

Have you ever volunteered for DMARC and seen where the money you donated goes? Or encouraged others to help DMARC too?

The DMARC team is counting on us. So, I’ll ask you again – why do you support DMARC?

Join me once again in fighting food insecurity by supporting DMARC with your dollars and your time. I encourage you to connect with any member of the DMARC team to learn more about how you can help. 

I would be more than happy to share more detail about my experience with DMARC with anyone, anytime.

Thank you in advance for your continued support to DMARC!


Jack Bell,

DMARC supporter

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