Volunteer Spotlight: Ann McGonegle

How long have you been volunteering with DMARC?
I believe I started in the fall of 2016.

What do you do as a volunteer with DMARC?
I’d say I’m a mobile girl. I’ve always been a mobile girl with the guys. And I just kind of like the mobiles, I’ve been at various sites throughout the community and they’re all unique and different. It’s kind of cool that you bring the food to the people.

How often do you volunteer?
It used to be a couple times a month when I first started, and now I’ve turned into a twice-a-week person.

Can you describe your responsibilities as a mobile volunteer?
It’s a pretty easy gig. Pretty much, the intake is done by Patrick or Andrew, and then they give me a sheet of paper which tells me how many are in the household, and then I go through my schematics of what they get. So I load up the food, and socially distance with my mask on, shove it down a table and people can pick it up. And if we’re not busy, I can’t stand being in that trailer so I’m usually outside waving at the people going by. And I actually find that, I think we probably – people stop, they see it as a friendly presence. So, I’m kind of like that person out there that is that thing that flies around in the wind, you know, I’m kind of like that.

Do you have a favorite memory of volunteering with the mobile food pantry?
You know, people sometimes just find us. They don’t know we’re here but they’re driving by, and they’ll roll down the window, “What are you doing? You got food?” I said, “Yes! Stop in, go talk with Patrick.” And I think one of my favorite memories was, there were two volunteers that day on the mobile, and we were at this site here, at Hiatt. And a young lady stopped, she had a baby in the car seat in the back. And so she was worried about the baby, and so one of us took turns kind of entertaining the baby, or scaring the baby, however you want to say, as she was getting the intake and getting the food. And we’ve seen her every week since. So, it’s been a life-saver for her family. And she doesn’t bring the baby anymore, because Grandma’s with the baby, but, just connecting with people and making it that – you know, I’m sure they don’t want to come, but it’s a friendly place.

Why do you volunteer?
I retired from health care, so I’ve always been a people person. I’ve always wanted to help. I just have to admire the dedication, the mission statement, the respect for individuals, and the adaptability. Just within these five years I’ve volunteered with DMARC, you guys just morph into whatever is needed in the community. I’ve seen you go through flooding situations, the pandemic, whatever. You just roll with it. And you don’t have obstacles – you git ‘r done. And it’s all about the people out there.

Why should other people consider volunteering with DMARC?
It feels good, it’s the right thing to do, help each other, and you know, really, two hours, or actually I guess it’s probably four hours a week that I do this, you can work it around about anything. And lots of opportunities for you too – wherever you live in the city, there’s someplace close. So, it just feels good, it’s the right thing to do, and we all need a little help sometimes.

Anything else you want to add?
I’m just blessed to be a part of this organization. I don’t even know all the people behind the scenes, but it’s all good. It’s all good, and it’s all good people.

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